Tuesday, June 9, 2009

13 is the max

Should ten subjects limitation implied ? A question that many still debating till now, for which I would answer please don’t. Why?

1. Teachers Burden.

One of the reasons given was to reduce the burden of teachers. Well, the real fact is students taking more than 11 subjects mostly self study, and of course go for tuitions. The teachers actually never had/having any burden as they are not obliged to teach all the subjects that the student had chose for. In reality every school limit their students subject selection by dividing them to Economic class, Pure Science class, Sub- science and etc..

2. Compulsory Subjects.

If ‘only 10 subjects limit is to be applied’, then why we must have 6 ( for art student)/5 ( science students) compulsory subjects. This makes the students to have lesser chance on choosing subjects they really want to major into or interested with. Subjects like Sejarah should not be made compulsory ( as history also a compulsory subject in PMR) , especially in the case of Moral, in which students memorise values instead of applying it , is totally incompetent. Therefore the ministry must analyse the compulsory subjects agenda.

3. Barring the potentials.
The amount of straight A students are actually, about, 10 -13 % only a year. The truth is not everybody is capable doing such things. They are not forced by their parents but they know that they can do it. Therefore we must realize that these students posses great strengths and potentials in them in cultivating and expanding specializations and progress in many things. Therefore our government must be capable of forming an excellent path by providing adequate scholarship or other kind of privileges that would drive impeccable achievements in future. No matter Bumi’s, Chinese, or Indian, these students are higly capable in faming our country as Malaysians. Therefore we should not suppress them, instead rejuvenate their capabilities in multiple ways. (remember they are only 10-13%).

(note: written by my brother, Esywara)